photo of Message Volume books


Works by Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

mingled-smMingled Waters: Sufism and the Mystical Unity of Religions gives an account of the deep ecumenism of Sufism as evidenced in a variety of historical, literary, intellectual, and spiritual convergences. Drawing on the Qur’an, prophetic traditions, classical Sufi sayings, traditional stories, and verses from Arabic, Persian, and Urdu divans, Mingled Waters examines the inner teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the perspective of Sufi gnosis. In the rivers of all the world’s revealed traditions the same water flows, the water of divine revelation. Mingled Waters peers into a handful of its sparkling drops.

Mingled Waters: Sufism and the Mystical Unity of Religions. Omega Publications/Suluk Press, 2017.

birdlanguageBird Language – Die Sprache der Vögel – Aphorisms in 7 Languages: BIRD CALLS – The bird represents the wayfarer of the sky, and at the same time it represents a being who belongs to the earth and is capable of dwelling in the skies. The former explanation of the bird represents the idea of a soul whose dwelling-place is in heaven, and the latter that of the dweller on earth being capable of moving about in the higher spheres, and both these explanations give the idea that the spiritual man, dwelling on the earth, is from heaven; they explain also that the spiritual man is the inhabitant of the heavens and is dwelling on earth for a while. 2017.

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Caravan of Souls is a guidebook to the Sufi path of Hazrat Inayat Khan, a spiritual philosophy of Love, Harmony, and Beauty. Within these covers the reader will find the essential teachings and methods of the Order and Movement he founded, as well as an inspiring array of sayings, poems, songs, prayers, stories, and biographical portraits.

Historical texts by Hazrat Inayat Khan, Nargis Dowland, Huzurnawaz baron van Pallandt, and Sophia Saintsbury-Green are presented, as well as new contributions by Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, Shrabani Basu, Dr. Sitara Jironet, and Murshid Wali Ali Meyer.

Caravan of Souls: An Introduction to the Sufi Path of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Omega Publications/Suluk Press, 2013.

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Saracen Chivalry: Counsels on Valor, Generosity and the Mystical Quest explores the space between Arthurian romance and the ethics and mysticism of Islam. Its theme may be summarized as follows:

Queen Belacane is dying. As a last act, she inscribes book of counsels, or prince’s mirror, to guide her newborn son on his life’s path. The Queen’s counsels illuminate the way of futuwwa, a tradition of mystical chivalry traced to the Prophet Abraham. If the Prince would unite the chivalries of Christendom and Islam and attain the Cup Mixed with Camphor, he must fulfill the pillars of his faith and uphold the universal virtues of wisdom, courage, temperance, and generosity.

Saracen Chivalry: Counsels on Valor, Generosity and the Mystical Quest. Omega Publications/Suluk Press, 2012.

L’esprit chevaleresque: Conseils sur la bravoure, la générosité et la quête mystique (French Edition)

Ritterliche Tugenden im Alten Orient (German)


A Pearl in Wine is a major retrospective on the life and career of Hazrat Inayat Khan, who introduced Sufism to the West. Twelve contributors portray Inayat Khan’s family life, musical career and profound spiritual message, in addition to memoirs tracing the effect of his teaching. Contributors include Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Wali Ali Meyer, Donald Sharif Graham, Allyn Miner, Marcia Hermansen, and Omid Safi.

A Pearl in Wine: Essays in the Life, Music, and Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Omega Publications, 2001.

Books by Pir Zia are available via Omega Publications/Suluk Press and

Works by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Musicological Works

Balasan Gitmala
Sayaji Garbawali
Inayat Git Ratnawali
Inayat Harmonium Shikshak
Inayat Fidal Shikshak
Minqar-i Musiqar

Sufi Works

1914 A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty
1915 The Confessions of Inayat Khan
1918 A Sufi Prayer of Invocation
Hindustani Lyrics
Songs of India
The Divan of Inayat Khan
1919 Love, Human and Divine
The Phenomenon of the Soul
Pearls from the Ocean Unseen
1921 In an Eastern Rosegarden
1922 The Way of Illumination
The Message
1923 The Inner Life
The Mysticism of Sound
Notes from the Unstruck Music from the Gayan Manuscript
The Alchemy of Happiness
1924 The Soul—Whence and Whither
1926 The Divine Symphony, or Vadan

Posthumous Sufi Works

1927 The Purpose of Life
1928 The Unity of Religious Ideals
1931 Health
Character Building; The Art of Personality
1934 Education
1935 The Mind World
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
1936 The Solution of the Problem of the Day
1937 Cosmic Language
Moral Culture
1938 Rassa Shastra: The Science of Life’s Creative Forces
1939 Three Plays
Metaphysics: the Experience of the Soul in Different Planes of Existence

Collected Works

1960-67 The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, 13 vols.
1988- Complete Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan: Original Texts, 10 vols. (to date)

Works About Hazrat Inayat Khan

Bloch, Regina Miriam. The Confessions of Inayat Khan. London: The Sufi Publication Society, 1915. (Reprinted in The Sufi Message, vol. 12)

De Jong-Keesing, Elisabeth. Inayat Khan: A Biography. The Hague: East-West Publications, 1974.

Guillaume-Schamhart, Elise, and Van Voorst van Beest, Munira, ed. The Biography of Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan. The Hague: East-West Publications, 1979.

Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat. The Message in Our Time: The Life and Teachings of the Sufi Master Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1979.

Inayat-Khan, Pirzade Zia, ed., A Pearl in Wine: Essays in the Life, Music, and Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan. New Lebanon: Omega Publications, 2001.

Khan, Inayat. The Story of My Mystical Life. The Hague: East-West Publications, 1982.

Khan, Musharaff Moulamia. Pages in the Life of a Sufi. The Hague: East-West Publications, 1982.

Saintsbury-Green, Sophia. Images of Inayat. New Lebanon, NY: Omega Publications, 1992).

Stam, Kismet Dorothea. Rays. The Hague: East-West Publications, n.d.

Van Beek, Wil. Hazrat Inayat Khan: Master of Life, Modern Sufi Mystic. New York: Vantage Press, 1983.

Van Stolk, Sirkar, and Dunlop, Daphne. Memories of a Sufi Sage: Hazrat Inayat Khan. East-West Publications, 1975.

Other Works

Dowland, Nargis. At the Gate of Discipleship. Southampton, England: The Sufi Movement, n.d.

Between the Desert and the Sown: The Way of the Disciple. Southampton, England: The Sufi Movement, n.d.

The Lifted Veil. Southampton, England: The Sufi Movement, 1925.

Goodenough, Sharifa. Soufisme d’Occident. Paris: La Colombe, 1962.

Inayat Khan, Noor. Jataka Tales. London: G.G. Harrap & Co., 1939.

King Akbar’s Daughter. New Lebanon, N.Y.: Omega Publications/Suluk Press, 2013.

Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat. The Message in Our Time. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978.

Awakening: A Sufi Perspective. New York: J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1999.

In Search of the Hidden Treasure. New York: J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2003.

The Ecstasy Beyond Knowing. (Forthcoming: Omega Publications/Suluk Press, 2014)

Inayat-Khan, Pir Zia. Saracen Chivalry. Omega Publications/Suluk Press, 2013.

Jironet, Dr. Karin. Sufi Mysticism into the West: Life and Leadership of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Brothers, 1927-1967. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, 2009.

Saintsbury-Green, Sophia. The Wings of the World: The Sufi Message as I see It. Deventer, Holland, and London: A.E. Kluwer and Luzac & Co., 1934.

Memories of Hazrat Inayat Khan by a Disciple. London: Rider and Co., n.d.

Van Tuyll, H.P. Prayer, Meditation, Silence. London and The Hague: East-West Publications, 1999.

Witteveen, Dr. H.J. Universal Sufism. Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element, 1997.